
Returns a patient absence overview, which is limited to whether the patient is currently absent and the Bradford Factor score for the specified time period, or if no time period is specified, the previous 52 weeks. Does not show deleted absences.

JavaScript library method

    patient: <patient>,
    from: <date-from>,
    to: <date-to>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
GET /patientportalapi/absences/overview

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
patient string The patient key.
date-from DateTime (optional) The beginning date with which to calculate the patient’s Bradford Factor score (defaults to now minus 52 weeks).
date-to DateTime (optional) The end date with which to calculate the patient’s Bradford Factor score (defaults to now).



Returned JSON

    "status": "ok",
    "result": {
        "BradfordFactor": 24,
        "IsCurrentlyAbsent": true,
        "Key": "83075be08d41fd6096c3c53bc8c4bda7"