
Provides informations about the current session, company and logged-in user.


Parameter Type Description
IsLoggedIn bool True if the user is logged in.
CompanyName string Name of the current company.
Phone string Official Company phone number.
Permissions object List of patient’s/user’s permissions.
Configuration object General app configuration.
Configuration\SSOStatus SSOStatus Optional single sign on configuration
Configuration\SessionTimeout Int The number of seconds from the last operation the session will be active for. Use ValidateLogin to get remaining time of the session lifetime.
Configuration\ DateOfBirthRequiredForPatients bool True if DOB is mandatory for a patient registration.
ForceContactOptions bool Defines that the user should be forced to set up their contact options.
ForceTermsAndConditions bool Defines that the user should be forced to accept the Terms and conditions. See also GetTermsAndConditions.

JSON Example

    "IsLoggedIn": true,
    "CompanyName": "Test Company",
    "Phone": "077123456789",
    "Permissions": {
        "Patient": {
            "CanBookAppointment": false,
            "CanViewAppointments": false,
            "CanCancelAppointment": false,
            "CanViewInvoices": false,
            "CanPayInvoice": false,
            "CanViewMedicalHistory": false,
            "CanManageQuestionnaires": false,
            "CanManageFeeds": false,
            "CanViewCompanyLibrary": false,
            "CanViewPathways": false,
            "CanChangePassword": false
        "User": {
            "CanManageUsers": true,
            "CanViewReferrals": true,
            "CanViewReferralReports": true,
            "CanReferPatient": true,
            "CanBulkReallocateReferrals": true,
            "CanViewRecall": true,
            "CanViewDocument": true,
            "CanViewAppointment": true,
            "CanChangePassword": true,
            "CanViewPathways": true
    "Configuration": {
        "OnlinePaymentsEnabled": true,
        "DateOfBirthRequiredForPatients": true,
        "SSOStatus": {
            "Identifier": "shiny",
            "Enabled": true,
            "IsOH": true
        "PasswordPolicy": {
            "Length": 10,
            "Numbers": 1,
            "Letters": 1,
            "NonAlphaNumeric": 0,
            "MixCaps": true,
            "Description": "at least 10 characters in length, contain at least one letter an done number and must mix upper and lower-case letters"
        "DefaultCallingCode": "+44",
        "NhsConsentEnabled": false,
        "SessionTimeout": 120000,
        "DefaultPaymentCountry": "GB"
    "ForceContactOptions": false,
    "ForceTermsAndConditions": false