
Submits the validation code for a specific password reset key. Returns a new Session ID the client could use to set a new password.

JavaScript library method

patientportal.passwordReset.submitValidationCode({ key: <key>, code: <code> });

HTTP Method

Verb URL
POST /patientportalapi/password-reset/submit-validation-code

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
is-oh bool True for the referral portal. False for the patient portal.

POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description
key key The password reset key.
code code The validation code.


Submitting the validation code creates a temporary security context which is valid for 15 minutes. Within this time frame the patient must complete the password reset process.

The client may use ValidateKey to verify whether the security context runs out and request new validation code to create a new security context.

If something goes wrong please check exception (see Error handling).


The SessionId is used to establish a security context via ASP.NET_SessionId cookie parameter.
