ResendRTW Resends the questionnaire request email / SMS for the specified absence record to the patient. Sets the absence record’s questionnaire status to ‘sent’ if not already set.
JavaScript library method patientportal . absences . resendRTW ({
absence : < absence >
HTTP Method Verb URL GET /patientportalapi/absences/resend-rtw
URL Parameters Parameter Type Description absence string The key of the absence.
Returns AbsenceData
Returned JSON {
"status" : "ok" ,
"result" : {
"Patient" : {
"Title" : "Mr" ,
"Name" : "John" ,
"Surname" : "Lemon" ,
"SexType" : 1 ,
"Initials" : "JL" ,
"DateOfBirth" : "1958-08-02T00:00:00" ,
"Mobile" : "+444 895 523 411" ,
"Telephone" : "+444 525 111 555" ,
"EmailAddress" : "<>" ,
"WorkEmailAddress" : "<>" ,
"Address" : {
"Address1" : "Studio 99" ,
"Address2" : "Backlok Street" ,
"Address3" : "Camden" ,
"City" : "London" ,
"County" : "" ,
"PostCode" : "N1 7NK" ,
"Country" : "United Kingdom"
"Key" : "efdc81efac0fd1a7f7b1833697a3ec3b" ,
"StartDate" : "2018-06-11T00:00:00" ,
"EstimatedEndDate" : "2018-06-15T00:00:00" ,
"EndDate" : "2018-06-15T00:00:00" ,
"AbsenceStatusCode" : 2 ,
"AbsenceStatusName" : "Closed" ,
"QuestionnaireStatusCode" : 0 ,
"QuestionnaireStatusName" : "Not sent" ,
"LostWork" : {
"Hours" : 32 ,
"Days" : 4
"Reason" : "Brain Tumour" ,
"AccidentAtWork" : false ,
"ReasonSharedWithEmployer" : true