
Provides information about the document.


Parameter Type Description
Name string The name of the document.
Author User The type of the user account.
Comments string Short description or comment.
DateCreated DateTime Created date.
Url string Url to download the document.
MIMEType string MIME type of the document.
Size long Size in bytes. Can be null.
PatientKey String The key of the patient.
DocumentTypeName String The name of the document type the document belongs to.

Provided only if the DocumentTypeSecurityEnable flag is set (see GetConfig)

JSON Example

    "Name": "Referral letter.html",
    "Author": "Mr. Will Smith",
    "Comments": "I would like to refer Mr. John Smith",
    "DateCreated": "2015-03-13T14:22:12.483",
    "Url": "",
    "MIMEType": "text/html",
    "Size": 20824,
    "PatientKey": "iydksy58dujyhiee78",
    "DocumentTypeName": "Portal Documents"