
Provides information about the user. The UserData object inherits the PersonDemographicData.


Parameter Type Description
Key string The key of the user. This key doesn’t equal the key of the patient.
  The UserData object inherits the PersonDemographicData.
Rights UserRights[] The list of user rights.
AllPatientsVisible bool If True then all patients within the company are visible and the list of accessible departments is ignored.
AllNonAssignedPatientsVisible bool If True then all patients who do not have a department set up within the company are visible.
AccessibleDepartments DepartmentData[] The list of departments the user has got an access to manage.
AllDocumentTypesVisible   If True then all document typse within the company are visible.

This applies if the DocumentTypeSecurityEnable flag is set (see GetConfig)
AccessibleDocumentTypes DocumentType[] The list of document types the user has got an access to see.

This applies if the DocumentTypeSecurityEnable flag is set (see GetConfig)
LastLogin DateTime The last login date. Date could be null.

JSON Example

    "Title": "Mr",
    "Name": "John",
    "Surname": "Lemon",
    "SexType": 1,
    "Initials": "JL",
    "DateOfBirth": "1958-08-02T00:00:00",
    "Mobile": "+444 895 523 411",
    "Telephone": "+444 525 111 555",
    "EmailAddress": "<>",
    "WorkEmailAddress": "<>",
    "Password": "jon4535lemon",
    "Address": {
        "Address1": "Studio 99",
        "Address2": "Backlok Street",
        "Address3": "Camden",
        "City": "London",
        "County": "",
        "PostCode": "N1 7NK",
        "Country": "United Kingdom"
    "NextOfKin": {
        "Relationship": "Mam",
        "Name": "Mariel",
        "Surname": "Lemon",
        "Mobile": "+444 895 111 222",
        "WorkTelephone": "+444 525 111 555",
        "Address": {
            "Address1": "Studio 1",
            "Address2": "Cardwell Roa",
            "Address3": "Camden",
            "City": "London",
            "County": "",
            "PostCode": "N1 7NK",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"
    "AllPatientsVisible": false,
    "AllNonAssignedPatientsVisible": false,
    "Rights": [
            "Key": "0f0f8997-a161-455e-a498-96138096f539",
            "Name": "Case management",
            "Description": "The user can refer patients and manage the referrals."
    "AccessibleDepartments": [
            "Key": "D01",
            "Name": "HR"
            "Key": "D02",
            "Name": "Research"
    "LastLogin": "2015-01-01T10:41:10.547"