
Provides information about the patient medical report review for the patient.


Parameter Type Description
ReportUrl string The URL address of the full medical report. The report is PDF document.

We recommend to use <object> tag to display embedded PDF:

<object type=”application/pdf” data=”<url>”></object>
ReferredBy string The name of the referrer.
AutoReleaseTime DateTime Defines the time when the automatic release is scheduled.
PossibleFactualChanges string[] List of possible factual changes the patient can request.
Submitted bool Defines whether the review has already been submitted. It is not allowed to submit the review more than once.
Comments string The comments provided by the patient for the referrer.

Provided only if the Submitted==true
FactualChanges object[]

see example
The list of factual changes requested by the patient.

Provided only if the Submitted==true

JSON Example

    "ReportUrl": "",
    "ReferredBy": "Mr. John Smith",
    "AutoReleaseTime": "2015-05-14T06:00:00",
    "PossibleFactualChanges": [
        "DOB incorrect",
        "Name incorrect",
    "Submitted": false,
    "Comments": "<Patient’s previous comments if submitted>",
    "FactualChanges": [
            "Subject": "DOB incorrect",
            "Comments": "My DOB is 1.1.1985"