
Contains the information about current authenticated security context.


Parameter Type Description
SessionID string Identifies the existing security context.
Config ConfigData Defines that the patient should be forced to set up their contact options.
Token string The current token. See Authentication Token.
Require2FA Boolean True if the profile requires 2FA (see Send2faCode). False if the profile does not require 2FA.

JSON Example

    "SessionID": "4oytawakgy0njpaajyliq3md",
    "Config": {
        "IsLoggedIn": true,
        "CompanyName": "Test Company",
        "Phone": "077123456789",
        "Permissions": {
            "Patient": {
                "CanBookAppointment": false,
                "CanViewAppointments": false,
                "CanCancelAppointment": false,
                "CanViewInvoices": false,
                "CanPayInvoice": false,
                "CanViewMedicalHistory": false,
                "CanManageQuestionnaires": false,
                "CanManageFeeds": false,
                "CanViewCompanyLibrary": false,
                "CanViewPathways": false,
                "CanChangePassword": false
            "User": {
                "CanManageUsers": true,
                "CanViewReferrals": true,
                "CanViewReferralReports": true,
                "CanReferPatient": true,
                "CanBulkReallocateReferrals": true,
                "CanViewRecall": true,
                "CanViewDocument": true,
                "CanViewAppointment": true,
                "CanChangePassword": true,
                "CanViewPathways": true
        "Configuration": {
            "OnlinePaymentsEnabled": true,
            "DateOfBirthRequiredForPatients": true,
            "SSOStatus": {
                "Identifier": "shiny",
                "Enabled": true,
                "IsOH": true
            "PasswordPolicy": {
                "Length": 10,
                "Numbers": 1,
                "Letters": 1,
                "NonAlphaNumeric": 0,
                "MixCaps": true,
                "Description": "at least 10 characters in length, contain at least one letter an done number and must mix upper and lower-case letters"
            "DefaultCallingCode": "+44",
            "NhsConsentEnabled": false,
            "SessionTimeout": 120000,
            "DefaultPaymentCountry": "GB"
        "ForceContactOptions": false,
        "ForceTermsAndConditions": false
    "Token": "7a413802-f186-42c6-ae92-646531749624",
    "Require2FA": "true"