
Create a new questionnaire request. Either a module or a list of ad-hoc questionnaire forms can be requested. One or the other must be specified. Returns the key of the request, the same keys that are returned by GetQuestionnaires.

JavaScript library method

    patient: <patient>,
    moduleKey: <module-key>,
    formKeys: <form-keys>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
POST /patientportalapi/questionnaires/create-request

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
patient string (optional) The key of the patient provided by the API upon GetPatients.
module-key string (optional) The key of the module provided by the API upon GetModules or a previous call to SaveModule. If not specified, a new module will be created.

POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description
form-keys string[] (optional) List of form keys returned from GetQuestionnaireForms.

Returned JSON
