
Provides information about the recall.


Parameter Type Description
Key string The key of the recall.
Patient PersonDemographicData The patient data.
Reason string The reason for the recall.
AppointmentType AppointmentTypeData The appointment type.
DueDate DateTime Recall due date.
Clinician ClinicianData The clinician who triggered the recall.

JSON Example

    "Key": "3bdd966cf6f9c0c6872ee0551da74c4d",
    "DueDate": "2017-03-14T00:00:00",
    "Reason": "Test",
    "AppointmentType": {
        "Key": "CN",
        "Name": "Consultation",
        "CancellationPolicy": "You will be charged at 50% of the full price if you cancel the appointment within 72 hours. You will be charged at 90% of the full price if you do not turn up.",
        "CanBookAppointment": true,
        "CanReferPatient": false,
        "TelemedicineOption": true,
        "CanAddServices": false
    "Patient": {
        "Title": "Mr",
        "Name": "John",
        "Surname": "Lemon",
        "SexType": 1,
        "Initials": "JL",
        "DateOfBirth": "1958-08-02T00:00:00",
        "Mobile": "+444 895 523 411",
        "Telephone": "+444 525 111 555",
        "EmailAddress": "<>",
        "WorkEmailAddress": "<>",
        "Address": {
            "Address1": "Studio 99",
            "Address2": "Backlok Street",
            "Address3": "Camden",
            "City": "London",
            "County": "",
            "PostCode": "N1 7NK",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"
    "Clinician": {
        "Key": 84,
        "FullName": "Dr. House"