
Returns a number of possible shallow search address results for the postcode.

JavaScript library method{postcode: <postcode>});

HTTP Method

Verb URL
GET /patientportalapi/address-finder/search

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
postcode string Case-insensitive postcode with space (e.g. N7 0NH or n7 0nh).

Returned JSON

[Shallow Search Result Data](../objects-and-data-types/shallowsearchresultdata)[]

Returns a number of possible shallow search address results for the postcode.

JavaScript library method{postcode: <postcode>});

HTTP Method

Verb URL
GET /patientportalapi/address-finder/search

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
postcode string Case-insensitive postcode with space (e.g. N7 0NH or n7 0nh).

Returned JSON

Shallow Search Result Data[]