
Returns a number of invoices according given filters.

JavaScript library method{
    toDate: <to-data>,
    paid: <paid>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
GET /patientportalapi/finance/invoices

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
to-date DateTime (optional) Returns N invoices leading up to this date. N is server defined, but is likely to be between 10 - 20. Use this to implement infinite-scroll behaviour by passing the oldest date in the returned InvoiceData[] to subsequent calls to GetInvoices.

This also makes it easier to implement classic timeline based features of jumping to years, months, etc.
paid bool (optional) True to get only paid invoices, false to get only unpaid and partially paid invoices, null (not present) to get all types of invoices (paid, partially paid and unpaid).




If no optional (filter) parameters are present the server returns all unpaid and partially paid invoices and a number of paid invoices.