Contains the person’s demographic information (e.g. patient’s demographic data).
Key | string | Key of the person. |
Title | string | |
Name | string | |
Surname | string | |
SexType | int | Biological sex at birth:
Gender | GenderData | The person’s gender identity. |
Pronoun | PronounData | The person’s preferred pronouns. |
Initials | string | |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | |
Mobile | string | |
Telephone | string | |
EmailAddress | string | Personal email address. This address is used to log into the patient portal. |
WorkTelephone | string | |
WorkEmailAddress | string | Work email address. This address is used to log into the referral portal. |
Password | string | Used only for registration. Should be at least 8 characters long and should contain at least 1 numbers, 1 capital letter and 1 small letter. API never returns the password. It is for submitting only. |
Address | AddressData | |
NextOfKin | NextOfKinDemographicData | |
ContactOptions | PatientContactOption[] | |
TermsAndConditionsAccepted | bool | |
StatisticalProcessingAccepted | bool | |
EmployeeNumber | string | The employee number. |
EmployeeDepartment | DepartmentData | The department the employee belongs to. Could be null. |
EmployeeDivision | DivisionData | The division the employee belongs to. Could be null. |
EmployeeStatus | EmployeeStatus | The status of the employee. |
Permissions | object See GetConfig for details. | The permissions of the logged-in user for this person. This could be different to the permissions provided upon GetConfig. |
Insurer | Insurer Data for the patient. Only available for patient portal. When setting patient demographics, only public company key’s can be used to set the Insurer. | |
EmployerName | String | The name of the employer. |
EmployerAddress | AddressData | The employer address. |
ReferrerKey | string | Encrypted key of the referrer. The set of valid values are obtained by call to getReferrers. Can be null. |
EthnicityKey | string | Encrypted key of the person’s ethnicity. The set of valid values are obtained by call to getEthnicities. Can be null. |
JSON Example
"Title": "Mr",
"Name": "John",
"Surname": "Lemon",
"SexType": 1,
"Initials": "JL",
"DateOfBirth": "1958-08-02T00:00:00",
"Mobile": "+444 895 523 411",
"Telephone": "+444 525 111 555",
"EmailAddress": "<>",
"WorkEmailAddress": "<>",
"Password": "jon4535lemon",
"Address": {
"Address1": "Studio 99",
"Address2": "Backlok Street",
"Address3": "Camden",
"City": "London",
"County": "",
"PostCode": "N1 7NK",
"Country": "United Kingdom"
"NextOfKin": {
"Relationship": "Mam",
"Name": "Mariel",
"Surname": "Lemon",
"Mobile": "+444 895 111 222",
"WorkTelephone": "+444 525 111 555",
"Address": {
"Address1": "Studio 1",
"Address2": "Cardwell Roa",
"Address3": "Camden",
"City": "London",
"County": "",
"PostCode": "N1 7NK",
"Country": "United Kingdom"