
Saves changes to an absence record. Any of the attributes in the AbsenceData object can be modified and sent back to the API, but the only ones for which changes will be saved to the database are:

  • EndDate
  • LostWork.Days
  • LostWork.Hours
  • AccidentAtWork

JavaScript library method

    absenceData: <absence-data>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
POST /patientportalapi/absences/absence

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
absence-data AbsenceData The AbsenceData object received from a call to the GetAbsence method.



Returned JSON

    "status": "ok",
    "result": {
        "Patient": {
            "Title": "Mr",
            "Name": "John",
            "Surname": "Lemon",
            "SexType": 1,
            "Initials": "JL",
            "DateOfBirth": "1958-08-02T00:00:00",
            "Mobile": "+444 895 523 411",
            "Telephone": "+444 525 111 555",
            "EmailAddress": "<>",
            "WorkEmailAddress": "<>",
            "Address": {
                "Address1": "Studio 99",
                "Address2": "Backlok Street",
                "Address3": "Camden",
                "City": "London",
                "County": "",
                "PostCode": "N1 7NK",
                "Country": "United Kingdom"
        "Key": "efdc81efac0fd1a7f7b1833697a3ec3b",
        "StartDate": "2018-06-11T00:00:00",
        "EstimatedEndDate": "2018-06-15T00:00:00",
        "EndDate": "2018-06-15T00:00:00",
        "AbsenceStatusCode": 2,
        "AbsenceStatusName": "Closed",
        "QuestionnaireStatusCode": 0,
        "QuestionnaireStatusName": "Not sent",
        "LostWork": {
            "Hours": 32,
            "Days": 4
        "Reason": "Brain Tumour",
        "AccidentAtWork": false,
        "ReasonSharedWithEmployer": true