
Update the patient’s demographic data.

JavaScript library method

patientportal.patient.updateDemographicData({password: <password>, demog: <demog>});

HTTP Method

Verb URL
POST /patientportalapi/patient/demographic-data

POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description
password string Patient’s plain text password to authenticate the patient.
demog PersonDemographicData Patient’s demographic data to update. If any property is empty “”, it will be updated. If any property is null (or not defined), it will not be updated.

POST data example

    "password": "pass123",
    "demog": {
        "Title": "Mr",
        "Name": "John",
        "Surname": "Lemon",
        "DateOfBirth": "1958-08-02T00:00:00",
        "EmailAddress": "<john.lemon@test.com>",
        "Telephone": ""

In the example above only properties Title, Name, Surname, DataOfBirth, EmailAddress and Telephone will update. All another properties will not be changed because they are not in POST data.