
Provides information about the state of the patient medical report review.


Parameter Type Description
Required bool True if the patient requires the medical report review.
InProgress bool True if the review is in progress (i.e. an invitation email has been sent to the patient).
Finished bool True if the review has been finished.
State string The current state of the review.
StartDate DateTime (optional) The review start date and time.
PatientFirstAttempt DateTime (optional) The time of the patient’s first attempt to read the report.

JSON Examples

    "Required": true,
    "InProgress": false,
    "Finished": false,
    "State": "Not started"


    "Required": true,
    "InProgress": false,
    "Finished": true,
    "State": "Refused",
    "StartDate": "2016-11-23T08:00:01.483",
    "PatientFirstAttempt": "2016-11-23T14:22:12.483"