
Provides information about the current membership scheme of the patient.


Parameter Type Description
Name string Name of the scheme.
Code string Membership code of the scheme.
BillingFrequency string Billing frequency of current scheme. Weekly, monthly, etc.
CurrencyCode string Three-letter currency code (e.g. “GBP”, “EUR”, “USD”, etc.)
CurrencySymbol string Symbol for the currency
NetPrice decimal  
Tax decimal  
GrossPrice decimal  
RequiresOnlinePayment bool Scheme requires an online recurring payment method set up
OnlinePaymentAllowed bool The scheme allows online recurring payments.
JoinedDateTime DateTime The date patient joined the scheme.
NextInvoiceDateTime DateTime Date of next billing cycle
OnlinePaymentMethod string Associated online payment method (formatted string)
LastInvoiceBalance decimal Balance on the last invoice for the memberhsip
LastInvoiceKey String Encrypted key of the last invoice.

JSON Example

    "Name": "Basic Membership Program",
    "Code": "ms001",
    "BillingFrequency": "Monthly",
    "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
    "CurrencySymbol": "£",
    "NetPrice": 100,
    "Tax": 20,
    "GrossPrice": 120,
    "RequiresOnlinePayment": false,
    "OnlinePaymentAllowed": false,
    "JoinedDateTime": "2016-12-16T16:13:40.747",
    "NextInvoiceDateTime": "2017-01-17T00:00:00",
    "OnlinePaymentMethod": "VISA (****0014) Expiry: 01/28",
    "LastInvoiceBalance": 160,
    "LastInvoiceKey": "2e0bba51a59f90a4c23be92ca6c89b0a"