
Confirms the validity of the current patient’s demographic data.

JavaScript library method

    regCode: <regCode>,
    demog: <demog>,
    membershipCode: <membership-code>,
    isOH: <is-oh>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
POST /patientportalapi/auth/validate-profile-data

POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description
regCode string (partially optional) Online sign up access code that is provided to the patient.
demog PersonDemographicData Defines person’s details.
membershipCode string (partially optional) Membership scheme code that is provided by Medical Management Systems to the client.

See Membership scheme
is-oh bool True for the referral portal. False for the patient portal.


One of the optional parameter regCode or membershipCode must be provided. If membership code is provided, regCode is ignored.

If the validation process is successful HTTP status code is 2xx. Otherwise check the exception (see Error handling).

Valid registration data:

  • Name, Surname, DateOfBirth, EmailAddress, Mobile, Title, Address.PostCode and Password must be provided.
  • Password should be at least 8 characters long and should contain at least 1 number.