
Release or refuse the medical report and stores patient’s comments and requested factual changes.

The method is only valid if the current temporary security context is valid (see SubmitValidationCode).

JavaScript library method

    key: <key>,
    authorised: <authorised>,
    comments: <comments>,
    factualChanges: [
            Subject: <Subject>,
            Comments: <Comments>

HTTP Method

Verb URL
GET /patientportalapi/patient-report-review/review-data

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Description
key string The validation key provided in the URL.
authorised bool true if the patient releases the medical report, false if the patient refuses it.

POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description
comments string Comments provided by the patient.
factualChanges [


Subject: string,

Comments: string

} ,…

List of factual changes requested by the patient.

Subject – Subject of possible factual changes provided by the API (see PatientReportReviewData)

Comments – Patient’s comments




Calling this method removes the security context so no other command (GetMedicalReportData, SubmitAuthorisation) is allowed without new validation. If something goes wrong please check exception (see Error handling).