URL format

All URL requests follow the following form:


For example, the Login method of the Authentication section that requests two parameters: the ‘username’ and the ‘password’:


URL includes:

  • section – A name of the section of the API that the method belongs to (e.g. ‘auth’, ‘patient’, ‘finance’, etc.). You can find the section name within the method description.
  • method – A name of the method that the client wants to request (e.g. ‘login’, ‘logout’, etc.). You can find the method name within the method description.
  • paramN, valueN – List of parameters. All parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated within the method description. Certain parameters are required while some are optional. Some methods do not require any parameters.
  • token – A token provided by the API. See Authentication Token.